
From Cheat Engine
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Cheat Engine comes with an extensive set of Lua functions you can use inside cheattables, trainers and standalone scripts.


Besides these functions Cheat Engine also implements some classes


  • Object : Most basic class. All classes inherit from this class
  • Component : Base class for all components that need owner-owned functionality.
  • Control : Base class for visible controls.
  • Wincontrol: Base class for controls which can contain other controls.
  • GenericHotkey: Lets you register hotkeys to Cheat Engine's internal hotkey handler
  • MenuItem: Holds the menuitems of a Menu, PopupMenu or even another MenuItem
  • Menu: Common Class ancestor for the MainMenu and PopupMenu classes
  • MainMenu: The menu at the top of a form
  • PopupMenu: The menu that shows when rightclicking on an object
  • Strings: Abstract class that some text based classes make use of
  • Stringlist: Class that holds a list of strings
  • Form: Class that defines a window
  • GraphicControl: Class that supports simple lightweight controls that do not need the ability to accept keyboard input or contain other controls.
  • [[Label]: The Label class is a visual component that lets you display text
  • Splitter: The Splitter class is a visual component that lets the user re-size neighboring components)
  • Panel: The Panel class is like a form which can contain visual components.
  • Image: The Image class is a visual component that lets you show an image
  • Edit: The Edit class is a visual component that lets the user type in data (Use control_getCaption to get the user input)
  • Memo: The Memo class is a multiline edit field
  • ButtonControl: Common ancestor of several button like objects.
  • Button: The button class is a visual component in the shape of a button.
  • CheckBox: The Checkbox is a visual component that lets the user click it and change state between checked, unchecked, and if possible, grayed
  • ToggleBox: The togglebox is like a button, but can stay down. Use with the checkbox methods
  • GroupBox: The groupbox class is like a Panel, but then has a header on top
  • RadioGroup: The radiogroup is like a GroupBox but autopopulated using the Items(Strings object)
  • ListBox: The listbox class is a visual component with a list of selectable strings
  • ComboBox: The Combobox is like an edit field with a ListBox attached to it
  • ProgressBar: The progressbar class is a visual representation for a bar that can show the current progress on something
  • TrackBar: The trackbar class is a slider you can drag arround and read/set the state
  • CollectionItem: Basic object that is managed by a Collection class
  • ListColumn: The listcolumn class is an implemented CollectionItem class which is used by the ListColumns class of the listview class
  • Collection: The Collection class is an abstract class that the ListColumns class implements (And perhaps other classes as well)
  • ListColumns: The ListColumns class contains the Column class objects of a ListView object
  • ListItem: The ListItem class object is an entry in a ListView
  • ListItems: The listItems class is a container for the ListItem class objects of a Listview
  • Listview: The listview class lets you have a listbox like component with resizable columns
  • Timer: The timer class is an non visual component that when active triggers an onTimer event every few milliseconds, base don the given interval
  • CustomControl: Base class for windowed controls which paint themselves
  • Canvas: The canvas class is a graphical class. It allows you do draw lines, pictures, and text on top of other object. Usually used in onPaint events and other graphical events
  • Pen: The Pen class is part of the Canvas object. It's used to draw lines
  • Brush: The brush class is part of the Canvas object. It's used to fill surfaces
  • Font: Class that defines a font
  • Graphic: Base class for dealing with Graphic images (Abstract)
  • Picture: Container for the Graphic class
  • OpenDialog: The OpenDialog class is used to let the user select a file to open
  • SaveDialog: The SaveDialog class is a copy of the OpenDialog class but is used to select a file for saving
  • MemoryStream: The memorystream class is a Stream class that is stored completely in memory. Because it's a stream there are multiple functions that can work with it
  • FileStream: The FileStream class is a Stream class that is linked to an open file on disk
  • TableFile: Tablefiles are files stored into a Cheat Table. You can access the data of such a file using this class
  • CheatComponent: The cheatcomponent class is the component used in Cheat Engine 5.x trainers
  • MemoryRecordHotkey: The memoryRecordHotkey class object is part of a MemoryRecord class. It's used as an interface to each individual hotkey inside a Cheat Table
  • MemoryRecord: The Memoryrecord class object describes a Cheat Table's Cheat Entry.
  • Addresslist: The addresslist class is a container for memory records
  • Memoryview: The memoryview class is the Memory view window of Cheat Engine. Use this as a basis to access the objects inside this window
  • Disassemblerview: The visual disassembler used in the memory view window
  • Hexadecimalview: The visual hexadecimal object used on the memory view window
  • MemScan: The memscan class is the memory scanner of Cheat engine
  • FoundList: The foundlist is an companion class to MemScan. It opens the current memscan's result file and provides an interface for reading out the addresses

Undefined Class Property Functions

Not all properties of all classes have been explicitly exposed to lua, but if you know the name of a property of a specific class you can still access them (assuming they are declared as published in the pascal class declaration)


  • getPropertyList : Returns a StringList object containing all the published properties of the specified class
  • setProperty : Sets the value of a published property of a class (Won't work for method properties)
  • getProperty : Gets the value of a published property of a class (Won't work for method properties)