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function messageDialog(Text, Type, Button, ...)

Displays a messagebox of a specific type with a variable amount of buttons at the center of the screen with the provided text.

Returns: ButtonResult

Function Parameters[edit]

Parameter Type Description
Text String The message to show
Type DialogType The type of the messagebox.
Button ButtonType The kind of button. There can be multiple buttons provided

See also[edit]

Autor: Rafael Lima


Discord: CHEATS GAMES#6003


Contato: [email protected]

---[[ Para executar as mensagens, clique em:

Table>Show Cheat Table Lua script

Cole uma das mensagens abaixo e clique em "Execute Script"

To run the messages, click:

Table> Show Cheat Table Lua script

Paste one of the messages below and click on "Execute Script"



messageDialog("MENSAGEM DE ERRO",mtError, mbYes, mbNo)


messageDialog("MENSAGEM DE INFORMACAO",mtInformation, mbYes, mbNo)


messageDialog("MENSAGEM DE CONFIRMACAO",mtConfirmation, mbYes, mbNo)


messageDialog("MENSAGEM DE PERIGO",mtWarning, mbYes, mbNo)