
From Cheat Engine
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Cheat Engine comes with an extensive set of Lua functions you can use inside cheattables, trainers and standalone scripts.

  • readBytes: Returns the bytes at the given address. If ReturnAsTable is true it will return a table instead of multiple bytes
  • writeBytes: Write the given bytes to the given address from a table
  • readBytesLocal: See readBytes but then it's for Cheat engine's memory
  • writeBytesLocal: See writeBytes but then it's for Cheat Engine's memory
  • readInteger: Reads a integer from the specified address
  • readFloat: Reads a single precision floating point value from the specified address
  • readDouble: Reads a double precision floating point value from the specified address
  • readString: Reads a string from memory untill it ghits a 0-terminator. maxlength is just so you won't freeze for too long
  • writeInteger: Writes an integer to the specified address. Returns true on success
  • writeFloat: Writes a single precision floating point to the specified address. Returns true on success
  • writeDouble: Writes a double precision floating point to the specified address. Returns true on success
  • writeString: Write a string to the specified address. Returns true on success
  • getAddress: Returns the address of a symbol. Can be a modulename or an export
  • reinitializeSymbolhandler: Reinitializes the symbolhandler. E.g when new modules have been loaded
  • generateAPIHookScript: Generates an auto assembler script which will hook the given address when executed
  • autoAssemble: Runs the auto assembler with the given text
  • showMessage: Shows a messagebox with the given text
  • messageDialog: Pops up a messagebox
  • sleep: Pauses for the number of specified milliseconds
  • getOpenedProcessID: Returns the currently opened process
  • getProcessIDFromProcessName: Returns a processid
  • openProcess: Causes cheat engine to open the given processname or id
  • getForegroundProcess: Returns the processid of the current foreground window
  • pause: Pauses the current opened process
  • unpause: Resumes the current opened process
  • getPixel: Returns the rgb value of the pixel at the specific screen coordinate
  • getMousePos: Returns the x,y coordinates of the mouse
  • setMousePos: Sets the mouse position
  • isKeyPressed: Returns true if the specified key is currently pressed
  • keyDown: Causes the key to go into down state

keyUp(key) Causes the key to go up

doKeyPress(key) simulates a key press

shellExecute(command, parameters OPTIONAL, folder OPTIONAL, showcommand OPTIONAL) Executes a given command

speedhack_setSpeed(speed) Enabled the speedhack if it was not active yet and sets the given speed

injectDll(filename) Injects a dll, and returns true on success

getCheatEngineDir() Returns the folder Cheat Engine is located at

allocateSharedMemory(name, size) Creates a shared memory object of the given size if it doesn't exist yet. If size is not given and there is no shared region with this name then the default size of 4096 is used It then maps this shared memory block into the currently targeted process. It returns the address of mapped region in the target process

beep() Plays the fabulous beep/ping sound!

xmplayer_playXM(filename) Plays the given filename using the xmplayer

xmplayer_playXM(Stream) Plays the given memory stream

xmplayer_pause() Pauses the current xm audio file

xmplayer_resume() Resumes the current xm audio file

xmplayer_stop() Stops the current xm audio file

xmplayer_isPlaying() Returns true if there is current an xm audio file being played

writeRegionToFile(filename, sourceaddress,size) Writes the given region to a file. Returns the number of bytes written

readRegionFromFile(filename, destinationaddress) Writes the given file to a specific address

resetLuaState() This will create a new lua state that will be used. (Does not destroy the old one, so memory leak)

registerSymbol(symbolname, address) Assign the specified symbolname to an address

unregisterSymbol(symbolname) Remove the name from the address

getNameFromAddress(address) Returns the given address in string form, returning the symbol representation if possible

inModule(address) Returns true if the given address is inside a module

inSystemModule(address) Returns true if the given address is inside a system module

getCommonModuleList() Returns the commonModuleList StringList object. (Do not free this one) You can use it to add or remove modules you do not want to scan by routines like dissect code and the pointerscan

cheatEngineIs64Bit() Returns true if CE is 64-bit, false if 32-bit

targetIs64Bit() Returns true if the target process is 64-bit, false if 32-bit

registerCustomTypeLua(typename, bytecount, bytestovaluefunction, valuetobytesfunction) Registers a Custom type based on lua functions

 The bytes to value function should be defined as "function bytestovalue (b1,b2,b3,b4)" and return an integer as result
 The value to bytes function should be defined as "function valuetobytes (integer)" and return the bytes it should write

registerCustomTypeAutoAssembler(typename, bytecount, script) Registers a custom type based on an auto assembler script. The script must allocate an "ConvertRoutine" and "ConvertBackRoutine"

onAutoGuess(function) Registers an function to be called whenever autoguess is used to predict a variable type function override (address, ceguess): Return the variable type you want it to be. If no change, just return ceguess


debug variables EFLAGS 32-bit EAX, EBX, ECX, EDX, EDI, ESP, EBP, ESP, EIP 64-bit RAX, EBX, RBX, RDX, RDI, RSP, RBP, RSP, RIP, R8, R9, R10, R11, R12, R13, R14, R15 The value of the register

Debug related routines function debugger_onBreakpoint() When a breaking breakpoint hits (that includes single stepping) and the lua function debugger_onBreakpoint() is defined it will be called and the global variables EAX, EBX, .... will be filled in Return 0 if you want the userinterface to be updated and anything else if not (e.g You continued from the breakpoint in your script)

createProcess(path, parameters OPTIONAL, debug OPTIONAL, breakonentrypoint OPTIONAL) Creates a process. If debug is true it will be created using the windows debugger and if breakonentry is true it will cause a breakpoint to occur on entrypoint

debugProcess(interface OPT) Starts the debugger for the currently opened process (won't ask the user)

 Optional interface 0=default, 1=windows debug, 2=VEHDebug, 3=Kerneldebug

debug_setBreakpoint(address, size OPTIONAL, trigger OPTIONAL) Sets a breakpoint of a specific size at the given address. if trigger is bptExecute then size is ignored. If trigger is ignored then it will be of type bptExecute, which obviously also ignores the size then as well

debug_removeBreakpoint(address) If the given address is a part of a breakpoint it will be removed

debug_continueFromBreakpoint(continueMethod) If the debugger is currently waiting to continue you can continue with this. Valid parameters are

 co_run  just continue
 co_stepinto when on top of a call, follow it
 co_stepover when on top of a call run till after the call

Changing registers (Different from ce 6.0) When the debugger is waiting to continue you can change the register variables. When you continue those register values will be set in the thread's context

The following routines describe last branch recording. These functions only work when kernelmode debugging is used and using windows XP (vista and later work less effective or not at all because the operating system interferes. Might also be intel specific. A dbvm upgrade in the future might make this work for windows vista and later)

debug_setLastBranchRecording(boolean) When set the Kernel debugger will try to record the last branch(es) taken before a breakpoint happens. Set this BEFORE you start the debugger else it will miss the first few LBR records (up to the number of cpu cores you have)

debug_getMaxLastBranchRecord() Returns the maximum branch record your cpu can store (-1 if none)

debug_getLastBranchRecord(index) Returns the value of the Last Branch Record at the given index (when handling a breakpoint)

closeCE() Just closes ce

hideAllCEWindows() Makes all normal ce windows invisible (e.g trainer table)

unhideMainCEwindow() Shows the main cheat engine window

getAutoAttachList() Returns the AutoAttach StringList object. It can be controlled with the stringlist_ routines (it's not recommended to destroy this list object)

supportCheatEngine(attachwindow, hasclosebutton, width, height, position ,yoururl OPTIONAL, extraparameters OPTIONAL, percentageshown OPTIONAL)

 Will show an advertising window which will help keep the development of Cheat Engine going.
 If you provide your own url it will be shown Up to 75% of the time. 

 attachwindow Type=Form  The form that the ad is attached to
 hasclosebutton Type=boolean  If true the window will have a border an a close button at top
 width, height Type=integer  
   The client width and height of the window.
   Prefered formats are  120x600 , 160x600, 300x250, 468x60, 728x90  ,But you are free to use different formats

 Position Type=integer/enum The place of the window
   0=Top, 1=Right, 2=Bottom, 3=left

 Yoururl Type=string The url you want to show. When given instead of showing CE's ads 100% it will show your url up to 75%.
   You can use it for your own income, or for updating users about new versions of your trainer or whatever you feel like

 Extraparameters Type=String   are url request parameters you can add to the default parameters (e.g trainername=mytrainer for tracking purposes)  

 PercentageShown You can change the default of 75% to a smaller value like 50%

fuckCheatEngine() Removes the ad window if it was showing

function onOpenProcess(processid) When this function is defined it will be called each time a process has been opened (note that a process can be opened multiple times in a row, e.g when attaching the debugger it might first open it and then attach the debugger which opens it again...)

function debugger_onModuleLoad(modulename, baseaddress) this routine is called when a module is loaded and the debugger is attached. This only works with the Windows debugger interface. Return 1 if you want to cause the debugger to break on module load

Disassembler disassemble(address) Disassembles the given address and returns a string in the format of "address - bytes - opcode extra"

splitDisassembledString(disassembledstring) Returns 4 strings. The address, bytes, opcode and extra field

getInstructionSize(address) Returns the size of an instruction (basically it disassembles the instruction and returns the number of bytes for you)

getPreviousOpcode(address): Returns the address of the previous opcode (this is just an estimated guess)

Internal Cheat Engine functions The following section describes some of CE's internal functions. Only use them if you know what you are doing.

dbk_initialize() Returns true if the dbk driver is loaded in memory. False if it failed for whatever reason (e.g 64-bit and not booted with unsigned driver support)

dbk_useKernelmodeOpenProcess() Switches the internal pointer of the OpenProcess api to dbk_OpenProcess

dbk_useKernelmodeProcessMemoryAccess() Switches the internal pointer to the ReadProcessMemory and WriteProcessMemory apis to dbk_ReadProcessMemory and dbk_WriteProcessMemory

dbk_useKernelmodeQueryMemoryRegions() Switches the internal pointer to the QueryVirtualMemory api to dbk_QueryVirtualMemory

dbk_getPEProcess(processid) Returns the pointer of the EProcess structure of the selected processid

dbk_getPEThread(threadid) Gets the pointer to the EThread structure

dbk_readMSR(msr) Reads the msr

dbk_writeMSR(msr, msrvalue) Writes the msr

dbk_executeKernelMemory(address, parameter) Executes a routine from kernelmode (e.g a routine written there with auto assembler) parameter can be a value or an address. It's up to your code how it's handled

dbvm_initialize(offloados OPTIONAL) Initializes the dbvm functions (dbk_initialize also calls this) offloados is a boolean that when set will offload the system onto dbvm if it's not yet running (and only IF the dbk driver is loaded)

dbvm_readMSR(msr) See dbk_readMSR

dbvm_writeMSR(msr, value) See dbk_writeMSR

onAPIPointerChange(function): Registers a callback when an api pointer is changed (can happen when the user clicks ok in settings, or when dbk_use*** is used. Does NOT happen when setAPIPointer is called)

setAPIPointer(functionid, address) Sets the pointer of the given api to the given address. The address can be a predefined address set at initialization by Cheat Engine, or an address you got from an autoassembler script or injected dll (When Cheat Engine itself was targeted)


 0: OpenProcess
   Known compatible address defines:
 1: ReadProcessMemory
   Known compatible address defines:

 2: WriteProcessMemory
   Known compatible address defines:

 3: VirtualQueryEx
   Known compatible address defines:

Extra lua variables defined: dbk_NtOpenProcess : Address of the NtOpenProcess implementation in DBK32

The dbvm_ addresses should only be used with auto assembler scripts injected into Cheat Engine dbvm_block_interrupts Address of function dbvm_block_interrupts : DWORD; stdcall;

dbvm_raise_privilege Address of function dbvm_raise_privilege : DWORD; stdcall;

dbvm_restore_interrupts Address of function dbvm_restore_interrupts : DWORD; stdcall;

dbvm_changeselectors Address of function dbvm_changeselectors(cs,ss,ds,es,fs,gs: dword): DWORD; stdcall;

Object Oriented Functions

class helper functions inheritsFromObject(class) Returns true if given any class

inheritsFromComponent(class) Returns true if the given object inherits from the Component class

inheritsFromControl(class) Returns true if the given object inherits from the Control class

inheritsFromWinControl(class) Returns true if the given object inherits from the WinControl class

getFormCount() Returns the total number of forms assigned to the main CE application

getForm(index) Returns the form at the specific index

getMemoryViewForm() Returns the main memoryview form class object which can be accessed using the Form_ class methods and the methods of the classes it inherits from. There can be multiple memory views, but this will only find the original/base

getMainForm() Returns the main form class object which can be accessed using the Form_ class methods and the methods of the classes it inherits from

getAddressList() Returns the cheat table addresslist object

getFreezeTimer() Returns the Timer object responsible for freezing values

getUpdateTimer() Returns the Timer object responsible for updating the value list

Class definitions

Object class (Inheritance ) Most basic class. Basically all classes inherit from this class. Therefore, object_destroy will work on everything

object_getClassName(object) Returns the classname of the given object

object_destroy(object) Destroys the object (basically everything inherits from this class)

Component Class (Inheritance Object) component_getComponentCount(Component) Returns the number of components attached to his component

component_getComponent(Component, index) Returns the specific component

component_findComponentByName(component, name) Returns the component with this name

component_getName(Component) Return the name

component_setName(Component, newname) Changes the name

component_getTag(Component) Sets an integer value. You can use this for ID's or whatever storage you feel like

component_setTag(Component, tagvalue) Get the tag value


Returns the owner of this component

Control Class (Inheritance Component->Object) control_setCaption(control, caption) Sets the text on a control. All the gui objects fall in this category

control_getCaption(control) Returns the text of the control

control_setPosition(control, x,y) Sets the x and y position of the object base don the top left position (relative to the client array of the owner object)

control_getPosition(contron) Returns the x and y position of the object (relative to the client array of the owner object)

control_setSize(control, width,height) Sets the width and height of the control

control_getSize(control) Sets the size of the control

control_setAlign(control, alignmentoption) Sets the alignment of the control

control_getAlign(control, alignmentoption) Gets the alignment of the control

control_getEnabled(control) Gets the enabled state of the control

control_setEnabled(control, boolean) Sets the enabled state of the control

control_getVisible(control) Gets the visible state of the control

control_setVisible(control, boolean) Sets the visible state of the control

control_getColor(control) Gets the color

control_setColor(control, rgb) Sets the color

control_getParent(control) Returns nil or an object that inherits from the Wincontrol class

control_setParent(control) Sets the parent for this control

control_getPopupMenu(control) Gets the assigned popup menu to this control

control_setPopupMenu(control) Sets the popup menu for this control

control_onClick(control, functionnameorstring) Sets the onclick routine

 function (sender)

WinControl Class (Inheritance Control->Component->Object) wincontrol_getControlCount(control) Returns the number of Controls attached to this class

wincontrol_getControl(control,index) Returns a WinControl class object

wincontrol_canFocus(control) Returns true if the object can be focused

wincontrol_focused(control) Returns boolean true when focused

wincontrol_setFocus(control) Tries to set keyboard focus the object

wincontrol_onEnter(control, function) Sets an onEnter event. (Triggered on focus enter)

 function (sender)

wincontrol_onExit(control, function) Sets an onExit event. (Triggered on lost focus)

 function (sender)

GenericHotkey Class (Inheritance Object) The genericHotkey class lets you register hotkeys to Cheat Engine's internal hotkey handler

createHotkey(function, key, ...) Returns an initialized GenericHotkey class object. Maximum of 5 keys

generichotkey_setKeys(hotkey, key, ....) Changes the keys on a Hotkey class object

generichotkey_onHotkey(hotkey, function) Changes the function called for a Hotkey class object

 function (sender)

MenuItem class(Inheritance Component->Object) The menuItem class holds the manuitems of a Menu, PopupMenu or even another MenuItem

createMenuItem(ownermenu) Creates a menu item that gets added to the owner menu (See Menu class)

menuItem_getCaption(menuitem) Gets the caption of the menu item

menuItem_setCaption(menuitem, caption) Sets the caption of the menu item

menuItem_getShortcut(menuitem) Returns the shortcut for this menu item

menuItem_setShortcut(menuitem, shortcut) Sets the shortcut for this menuitem. A shortcut is a string in the form of ("ctrl+x")

menuItem_getCount(menuitem) Returns the number of child menuitems it has

menuItem_getItem(menuitem, index) Returns the menuitem object at the given index

menuItem_add(menuItem, menuItem) Adds a menuItem as a submenu item

menuItem_delete(menuitem, index)

menuItem_onClick(menuitem, function) Sets an onClick event

 function (sender)

Menu Class (Inheritance Component->Object) The menu class object is the common Class ancestor for the MainMenu and PopupMenu classes

menu_getItems(menu) Returns the MenuItem of this Menu

MainMenu Class (Inheritance Menu->Component->Object) The MainMenu class is the menu at the top of a form

createMainMenu(form) The mainmenu is the menu at the top of a window

PopupMenu Class (Inheritance Menu->Component->Object) The PopupMenu class is the menu that shows when rightclicking on an object

createPopupMenu(owner) The popup menu is the menu that popus up when showing the (rightclick) context of an control

Strings Class (Inheritance Object) (Mostly an abstract class) The strings class is an abstract class that some text based classes make use of. Because it is abstract it can not be created directly, but only by the child classes that inherit from it

strings_clear(list) Deletes all strings in the list

strings_add(list, string) Adds a string to the list

strings_delete(list, index) Deletes a string from the list

strings_getText(strings) Returns all the strings as one big string

strings_setText(strings) Sets the strings of the given strings object to the given text (can be multiline)

strings_indexOf(list, string) Returns the index of the specified string. Returns -1 if not found

strings_insert(list, index, string) Inserts a string at a specific spot moving the items after it

strings_getCount(list) Returns the number is strings in the list

strings_remove(list, string) Removes the given string from the list

strings_loadFromFile(list, filename) Load the strings from a textfile

strings_saveToFile(list, filename) Save the strings to a textfile

strings_getString(list, index) Gets the string at the given index

strings_setString(list, index, string) Replaces the string at the given index

Stringlist Class (Inheritance Strings->Object) Inherits from the Strings class and adds some properties that define on what to do when an item is added.

createStringlist() Creates a stringlist class object (for whatever reason, lua strings are probably easier to use)

stringlist_getDuplicates(list) Returns the duplicates property

stringlist_setDuplicates(list, Duplicates) Sets the duplicates property

 dupIgnore: Don't add duplicates
 dupAccept: Add duplicates
 dupError: Raise an exception when adding duplicates

stringlist_getSorted(list) Returns true if the list has the sorted property

stringlist_setSorted(list, boolean) Sets the sorted property

stringlist_getCaseSensitive(list) Returns true if the case sensitive property is set

stringlist_setCaseSensitive(list, boolean) Sets the case sensitive property

Form Class (Inheritance ScrollingWinControl->CustomControl->WinControl->Control->Component->Object) The Form class is a window

createForm(visible OPT) Creates a Form class object(window) and returns the pointer for it. Visible is default true but can be changed

createFormFromFile(filename) Creates a Form class object and initializes it based on the data in the given file. It returns the generated form

form_saveToFile(form, filename) Saves a userdefined form. (DOES NOT WORK ON NORMAL FORMS LIKE MAINFORM)

form_centerScreen(form) Places the form at the center of the screen

form_hide(form) Hide the form

form_show(form) Show the form

form_showModal(form) Show the form and wait for it to close and get the close result

form_isForegroundWindow(form) eturns true if the specified form has focus

form_onClose(form, function) function (sender) Return a CloseAction to determine how to close the window

form_getMenu(form) Returns the mainmenu object of this form

form_setMenu(form, mainmenu) Sets a menu for the form

GraphicControl Class (Inheritance Control->Component->Object) graphicControl_getCanvas(graphiccontrol) Returns the Canvas object for the given object that has inherited from customControl

Label Class (Inheritance GraphicControl->Control->Component->Object) The Label class is a visual component that lets you display text

createLabel(owner) Creates a Label class object which belongs to the given owner. Owner can be any object inherited from WinControl

Splitter Class (Inheritance CustomControl->WinControl->Control->Component->Object) The Splitter class is a visual component that lets the user resize neighbouring components)

createSplitter(owner) Creates a Splitter class object which belongs to the given owner. Owner can be any object inherited from WinControl

Panel Class (Inheritance CustomControl->WinControl->Control->Component->Object) The Panel class is like a form which can contain visual components.

createPanel(owner) Creates a Panel class object which belongs to the given owner. Owner can be any object inherited from WinControl

panel_getAlignment(panel) Gets the alignment property

panel_setAlignment(panel, alignment) Sets the alignment property

panel_getBevelInner(panel) Gets the BevelInner property

panel_setBevelInner(panel, PanelBevel) Sets the BevelInner property

panel_getBevelOuter(panel) Gets the BevelOuter property

panel_setBevelOuter(panel, PanelBevel) Sets the BevelOuter property

panel_getBevelWidth(panel) Gets the BevelWidth property

panel_setBevelWidth(panel, BevelWidth) Sets the BevelWidth property

panel_getFullRepaint(panel) Gets the FullRepaint property

panel_setFullRepaint(panel, boolean) Sets the FullRepaint property

Image Class (Inheritance GraphicControl->Control->Component->Object) The Image class is a visual component that lets you show an image

createImage(owner) Creates an Image class object which belongs to the given owner. Owner can be any object inherited from WinControl

image_loadImageFromFile(image, filename) Loads an image from the given filename

image_stretch(image, boolean) Sets the stretch property. If true it will stretch the image to the dimension of the Image component

image_transparent(image, boolean) Sets the transparency property.

image_getCanvas(image) Gets the Canvas class object that belong to this image

image_getPicture(image) Returns the Picture object of this image (You can use this to load a stream)

Edit Class (Inheritance WinControl->Control->Component->Object) The Edit class is a visual component that lets the user type in data (Use control_getCaption to get the user input)

createEdit(owner) Creates an Edit class object which belongs to the given owner. Owner can be any object inherited from WinControl

edit_clear(edit) Clears the edit field

edit_selectAll(edit) Selects everything in the edit field

edit_clearSelection(edit) Deleted the selected text in an editfield

edit_copyToClipboard(edit) Copies the selected text in the edit field to the clipboard

edit_cutToClipboard(edit) Copies the selected text in the edit field to the clipboard and then deletes it from the edit field

edit_pasteFromClipboard(edit) Past the contents of the clipboard into the edit field

edit_onChange(edit, function) Registers an onChange event

 function (sender)

Memo Class (Inheritance Edit->WinControl->Control->Component->Object) The Memo class is a multiline edit field

createMemo(owner) Creates a Memo class object which belongs to the given owner. Owner can be any object inherited from WinControl

memo_append(memo,string) Adds a line to the end of the memo object

memo_getLines(memo) returns a class inherited from the Strings object. Adding and reading strings from this class will affect the memo

memo_getWordWrap(memo) Gets the WordWrap property

memo_setWordWrap(memo, boolean) Sets the WordWrap property

memo_getWantTabs(memo) Gets the WantTabs property

memo_setWantTabs(memo, boolean) Sets the WantTabs property

memo_getWantReturns(memo) Gets the WantReturns property

memo_setWantReturns(memo, boolean) Sets the WantReturns property

memo_getScrollbars(memo) Gets the Scrollbard property

memo_setScrollbars(memo, scrollbarenumtype) Sets the scrollbars property. Horizontal only takes affect when wordwrap is disabled valid enum types

   ssNone:  No scrollbars
   ssHorizontal: Has a horizontal scrollbar
   ssVertical: Has a vertical scrollbar
   ssBoth: Has both scrollbars
   ssAutoHorizontal: Same as above but only shows when there actually is something to scroll for
   ssAutoVertical: " " " " ...
   ssAutoBoth: " " " " ...

ButtonControl Class (Inheritance WinControl->Control->Component->Object) Common ancestor of several button like objects.

Button Class (Inheritance ButtonControl->WinControl->Control->Component->Object) The button class is a visual component in the shape of a button.

createButton(owner) Creates a Button class object which belongs to the given owner. Owner can be any object inherited from WinControl

button_getModalResult(button) Returns the ModalResult value of this button

button_setModalResult(button, mr) Sets the ModalResult value of this button. ModalResult will close a Modal form and make it return the ModalResult. It has no effect on a normal form

CheckBox Class (Inheritance ButtonControl->WinControl->Control->Component->Object) The Checkbox is a visual component that lets the user click it and change state between checked, unchecked, and if possible, grayed

createCheckBox(owner) Creates a CheckBox class object which belongs to the given owner. Owner can be any object inherited from WinControl

checkbox_getAllowGrayed(CheckBox) Gets the AllowGrayed property

checkbox_setAllowGrayed(CheckBox, boolean) Sets the AllowGrayed property

checkbox_getState(checkbox) Gets the current state of the checkbox


checkbox_setState(checkbox, state) Sets the state of the checkbox


checkbox_onChange(checkbox, function) Sets an OnChange event for the checkbox that gets triggered when the state has been changed (by the user of programatically)

 function (sender)

ToggleBox Class (Inheritance CheckBox->ButtonControl->WinControl->Control->Component->Object) The togglebox is like a button, but can stay down. Use with the checkbox methods

createToggleBox(owner) Creates a ToggleBox class object which belongs to the given owner. Owner can be any object inherited from WinControl

GroupBox Class (Inheritance WinControl->Control->Component->Object) The groupbox class is like a Panel, but then has a header on top

createGroupBox(owner) Creates a GroupBox class object which belongs to the given owner. Owner can be any object inherited from WinControl

RadioGroup Cass (Inheritance GroupBox->WinControl->Control->Component->Object) The radiogroup is like a GroupBox but autopopulated using the Items(Strings object)

createRadioGroup(owner) Creates a RadioGroup class object which belongs to the given owner. Owner can be any object inherited from WinControl

radiogroup_getRows(radiogroup) Returns the number of rows

radiogroup_getItems(radiogroup) Returns a Strings object

radiogroup_getColumns(radiogroup) Returns the number of columns

radiogroup_setColumns(radiogroup, count) Sets the number of columns

radiogroup_onClick(radiogroup, function) Registers an OnClick event handler

 function (sender)

ListBox Class (Inheritance WinControl->Control->Component->Object) The listbox class is a visual component with a list of selectable strings

createListBox(owner) Creates a ListBox class object which belongs to the given owner. Owner can be any object inherited from WinControl

listbox_clear(listbox) Clears the whole listbox

listbox_getItems(listbox) Returns a strings object you can use to add and remove strings

listbox_getItemIndex(listbox) Returns the current selected stringnumber (counted from 0, -1 is no selection)

listbox_setItemIndex(listbox,index) Sets the currently selected string (-1 is no selection)

listbox_getCanvas(listbox) Returns the Canvas class object of this listbox

ComboBox Class (Inheritance WinControl->Control->Component->Object) The Combobox is like a edit field with a listbox attached to it

createComboBox(owner) Creates a ComboBox class object which belongs to the given owner. Owner can be any object inherited from WinControl

combobox_clear(combobox) Clears all entries in the combobox

combobox_getItems(combobox) Return the Strings object used to control the list

combobox_getItemIndex(combobox) Gets the currently selected object in the list

combobox_setItemIndex(combobox) Sets the currently selected object in the list

combobox_getCanvas(combobox) Returns the Canvas class object of this combobox

ProgressBar Class (Inheritance WinControl->Control->Component->Object) The progressbar class is a visual representation for a bar that can show the current progress on something

createProgressBar(owner) Creates a ProgressBar class object which belongs to the given owner. Owner can be any object inherited from WinControl


progressbar_stepBy(progressbar, delta)


progressbar_setMax(progressbar, integer)


progressbar_setMin(progressbar, integer)


progressbar_setPosition(progressbar, integer)

TrackBar Class (Inheritance WinControl->Control->Component->Object) createTrackBar(owner) Creates a TrackBar class object which belongs to the given owner. Owner can be any object inherited from WinControl


trackbar_setMax(trackbar, integer)

trackbar_getMin(trackbar) trackbar_setMin(trackbar, integer)


trackbar_setPosition(progressbar, integer)

trackbar_onChange(trackbar, function)

 function (sender)

CollectionItem Class (Inheritance Object) usually not used by lua users but just defining it here for future usage

ListColumn Class (Inheritance CollectionItem->Object) The listcolumn class is an implemented CollectionItem class which is used by the ListColumns class of the listview class

listcolumn_setAutosize(listcolumns, boolean)


listcolumn_setCaption(listcolumns, caption)


listcolumn_setMaxWidth(listcolumns, width)


listcolumn_setMinWidth(listcolumns, width)


listcolumn_setWidth(listcolumns, width)

Collection Class (Inheritance TObject) The Collection class is an abstract class that the ListColumns class implements (And perhaps other classes as well)



collection_delete(collection, index)

ListColumns class (Inheritance Collection->Object) The ListColumns class contains the Column class objects of a ListView object

listcolumns_add(listcolumns) Returns a new ListColumn object

listcolumns_getColumn(listcolumns, index) Returns a ListColum object;

ListItem Class (Inheritance TObject) The ListItem class object is an entry in a ListView. It contains the text for the first column and has a Strings object for the subitems listitem_delete(listitem)


listitem_setCaption(listitem, string)

listitem_getSubItems(listitem) Returns a Strings object

ListItems class (Inheritance TObject) The listItems class is a container for the ListItem class objects of a Listview listitems_clear(listitems) listitems_getCount(listitems) listitems_add(listitems) Returns a new ListItem object

Listview Class (Inheritance WinControl->Control->Component->Object) The listview class lets you have a listbox like component with resizable columns. The items and columns inside a listview are special classes themself

createListView(owner) Creates a ListView class object which belongs to the given owner. Owner can be any object inherited from WinControl


listview_getColumns(listview) Returns a ListColumns object

listview_getItems(listview) Returns a ListItems object


listview_setItemIndex(listview, index)


Timer Class (Inheritance Component->object) The timer class is an non visual component that when active triggers an onTimer event every few milliseconds, base don the given interval

createTimer(owner, enabled OPT) Creates a timer object. If enabled is not given it will be enabled by default (will start as soon as an onTimer event has been assigned) Owner may be nil, but you will be responsible for destroying it

timer_setInterval(timer, interval) Sets the speed on how often the timer should trigger. In milliseconds (1000=1 second)

timer_getEnabled(timer) Returns true if the timer is enabled

timer_setEnabled(timer, boolean) Lets you enable of disable the timer

timer_onTimer(timer, function)

 function (sender)

CustomControl class (CustomControl->WinControl->Control->Component->Object) Class some other classes inherit from

customControl_getCanvas(customcontrol) Returns the Canvas object for the given object that has inherited from customControl

Canvas Class (Inheritance CustomCanvas->Object) The canvas class is a graphical class. It allows you do draw lines, pictures, and text on top of other object. Usually used in onPaint events and other graphical events

canvas_getBrush(canvas) Returns the brush object of this canvas

canvas_getPen(canvas) Returns the pen object of this canvas

canvas_getFont(canvas) Returns the font object of this canvas

canvas_getWidth(canvas) Returns the width of the canvas

canvas_getHeight(canvas) Returns the height of the canvas

canvas_getPenPosition(canvas) Returns the current x and y position of the Pen object in the canvas

canvas_setPenPosition(canvas, x,y) Sets the x and y position of the Pen object in the canvas

canvas_line(canvas, sourcex, sourcey, destinationx, destinationy) Draws a line on the canvas using the current Pen object's color from source to destination

canvas_lineTo(destinationx, destinationy) Draws a line on the canvas using the current Pen's color and position

canvas_rect(x1,y1,x2,y2) Draws a rectangle

canvas_fillRect(x1,y1,x2,y2) Draws a filled rectangle

canvas_textOut(x,y, text) Writes a piece of text at the given position

canvas_getTextWidth(canvas, text) Returns the width of the text you give. Use it to figure out if the given string will fit

canvas_getTextHeight(canvas, text) Returns the height of the text you give

canvas_getPixel(canvas, x,y) Returns the RGB or 'Special' color at the current X, Y position

canvas_setPixel(canvas, x,y,color) Lets you set the color of a specific pixel. (RGB or a 'special' color)

canvas_floodFill(canvas, x,y)

canvas_ellipse(canvas, x1,y1,x2,y2)

canvas_gradientFill(canvas, x1,y1,x2,y2, startcolor, stopcolor, direction) Gradient fills a rectangle. Direction can be 0 or 1. 0=Vertical 1=Horizontal

canvas_copyRect(dest_canvas, dest_x1,dest_y1,dest_x2,dest_y2, sourceCanvas, source_x1,source_y1,source_x2,source_y2)

canvas_draw(canvas, x,y, graphic) Draw the image of a specific Graphic class

Pen Class (Inheritance CustomPen->CanvasHelper->Object) The Pen class is part of the Canvas object. It's used to draw lines

pen_getColor(pen) pen_setColor(pen, color) pen_getWidth(pen) pen_setWidth(pen, width)

Brush Class (Inheritance CustomBrush->CanvasHelper->Object) The brush class is part of the Canvas object. It's used to fill surfaces brush_getColor(pen) brush_setColor(pen,color)

Font Class (Inheritance CustomFont->CanvasHelper->Object) font_getName(font) font_setName(font, fontname) font_getSize(font) font_setSize(font, size)

Graphic Class (Inheritance Object) Abstract class (Nothing to concern yourself with, just showing that this class exists)

Picture Class (Inheritance Object) Container for the Graphic class


picture_loadFromFile(picture, filename)

picture_loadFromStream(stream, originalextension OPTIONAL)

picture_assign(picture, sourcepicture)

picture_getGraphic(picture) Gets the Graphic object of this picture

OpenDialog Class (Inheritance FileDialog->CommonDialog->Component->Object) The OpenDialog class is used to let the user select a file to open

opendialog_execute(openDialog) Shows the Open dialog and returns the string to the selected file

SaveDialog Class (Inheritance OpenDialog->FileDialog->CommonDialog->Component->Object) The SaveDialog class is a copy of the OpenDialog class but is used to select a file for saving

MemoryStream Class (Inheritance Stream->Object) The memorystream class is a Stream class that is stored completely in memory. Because it's a stream there are multiple functions that can work with it

FileStream Class (Inheritance HandleStream->Stream->Object) The FileStream class is a Stream class that is linked to an open file on disk

TableFile Class (Inheritance Object) Tablefiles are files stored into a Cheat Table. You can access the data of such a file using this class

findTableFile(filename) Returns the TableFile class object for the saved file

tablefile_saveToFile(tablefile, filename) tablefile_getData(tablefile, filename) Gets a MemoryStream object of this TableFile

CheatComponent Class (Inheritance WinControl->Control->Component->Object) The cheatcomponent class is the component used in Cheat Engine 5.x trainers Most people will probably want to design their own components but for those that don't know much coding and use the autogenerated trainer this will be used

cheatcomponent_setActive(cheatcomponent, boolean, deactivatetime OPTIONAL) sets the cheat object's Active color to enabled or disabled. The deactivatetime parameter turns the active color off automatically after the given time in milliseconds (e.g one hit cheats like increase by)


cheatcomponent_setDescription(cheatcomponent, string)


cheatcomponent_setHotkey(cheatcomponent, string)


cheatcomponent_setDescriptionLeft(cheatcomponent, integer)


cheatcomponent_setHotkeyLeft(cheatcomponent, integer)


cheatcomponent_getEditValue(cheatcomponent) Returns the text from the editbox of this component

cheatcomponent_setEditValue(cheatcomponent, value) Sets the text on an editbox

MemoryRecordHotkey Class (Inheritance object) The memoryRecordHotkey class object is part of a MemoryRecord class. It's used as an interface to each individual hotkey inside a Cheat Table



memoryrecordhotkey_getID(hotkey) Returns the unique ID of this hotkey (Each hotkey inside a cheat entry has an unique id)

memoryrecordhotkey_getOwner(hotkey) Returns the MemoryRecord this hotkey belongs to

memoryrecordhotkey_doHotkey(hotkey) Executes the hotkey as if it got triggered by the keyboard

memoryrecordhotkey_onHotkey(hotkey, hotkeyfunction) Registers a function to be called when the hotkey is pressed

 function (memoryrecordhotkey)

memoryrecordhotkey_onPostHotkey(hotkey, hotkeyfunction) Registers a function to be called after the hotkey has been dealt with

 function (hotkey)

MemoryRecord Class The Memoryrecord class object describes a Cheat Table's Cheat Entry.

memoryrecord_getID(memoryrecord) Returns the unique id of this memory record. Every memory record has an unique id

memoryrecord_getHotkeyCount(memoryrecord) Returns the number of hotkeys assigned to this Cheat Entry

memoryrecord_getHotkey(memoryrecord, index) Returns a memoryrecordhotkey class

memoryrecord_getHotkeyByID(memoryrecord, ID) Every hotkey in a memoryrecord gets an unique ID. This way you can always find the hotkey even if the order of hotkeys has changed (or deleted)

memoryrecord_setDescription(memoryrecord, description) Sets the specified description for this entry

memoryrecord_getDescription(memoryrecord) Gets the current description of this entry

memoryrecord_getAddress(memoryrecord) Returns the address and optional offsets for a pointer (note that in 64-bit kernelmode addresses will be rounded down...)

memoryrecord_setAddress(memoryrecord,address,offsets OPTIONAL) Sets the address of a entry. You can give as many offsets as you need

memoryrecord_getType(memoryrecord) Returns the Variable type. (vtByte to vtCustom)

memoryrecord_setType(memoryrecord, vartype) Sets the type of the entry

memoryrecord_getValue(memoryrecord) Returns the current value of the cheat table entry as a string

memoryrecord_setValue(memoryrecord, value) Sets the value of a cheat table entry

memoryrecord_getScript(memoryrecord) If the entry is of type vtAutoAssembler then you can get the script with this routine

memoryrecord_setScript(memoryrecord, script)


memoryrecord_freeze(memoryrecord, updownfreeze OPTIONAL) Sets the entry to frozen state. updownfreeze is optional. 0=freeze, 1=allow increase, 2=allow decrease

memoryrecord_unfreeze(memoryrecord) Unfreezes an entry

memoryrecord_setColor(memoryrecord, colorrgb) Sets the color of the entry

memoryrecord_appendToEntry(memoryrecord,memoryrecord) Adds the entry to another entry

memoryrecord_delete(memoryrecord) It's unknown what this function does, all that is known is that after using this command other memrec routines with this table entry value don't work anymore...

memoryrecord_onActivate(memoryrecord, function) Registers a function to be called when a cheat entry is Activated

 function (memoryrecord, before, currentstate) boolean
 If before is true returning false will cause the activation to stop

memoryrecord_onDeactivate(memoryrecord, function) Registers a function to be called when a cheat entry is Deactivated

 function (memoryrecord, before, currentstate) boolean
 If before is true returning false will cause the deactivation to stop

memoryrecord_onDestroy(memoryrecord, function) Registers a function to be called when a cheat entry is delete

 function (memoryrecord)

Addresslist Class The addresslist class is a container for memory records


addresslist_getMemoryRecord(addresslist, index)

addresslist_getMemoryRecordByDescription(addresslist, description)

addresslist_getMemoryRecordByID(addresslist, ID)

addresslist_createMemoryRecord(addresslist) creates a generic cheat table entry and adds it to the list. Returns a tableentry pointer you can use with memoryrecord routines

Memoryview Cass (Inheritance Form->ScrollingWinControl->CustomControl->WinControl->Control->Component->Object) The memoryview class is the Memory view window of Cheat Engine. Use this as a basis to access the objects inside this window

memoryview_getDisassemblerView(memoryView) Returns the visual disassembler object on the memoryview window

memoryview_getHexadecimalView(memoryView) Returns the visual hexadecimal object on the memoryview window

Disassemblerview class (Inheritance Panel->CustomControl->WinControl->Control->Component->Object) The visual disassembler used in the memory view window


disassemblerview_setSelectedAddress(disassemblerview, address)

disassemblerview_onSelectionChange(disassemblerview, function) Registers a function to be called when the selection changes

 function(disassemblerview, address, address2)

Hexadecimal class (Inheritance Panel->CustomControl->WinControl->Control->Component->Object) The visual hexadecimal object used on the memory view window


hexadecimalview_setTopAddress(hexadecimalview, address)

hexadecimalview_onAddressChange(hexadecimalview, function) Registers a function to be called when the address is changed

 function(hexadecimalview, address)

hexadecimalview_onByteSelect(hexadecimalview, function) Registers a function to be called when the selection changes

 function(hexadecimalview, address, address2)

Memory Scanning classes and routines

AOBScan(x,x,x,x,...) Scans the currently opened process and returns a StringList object containing all the results. Don't forget to free this list when done else you will create a memory leak.

Bytevalue of higher than 255 or anything not an integer will be seen as a wildcard

AOBScan("aobstring", protectionflags OPTIONAL, alignmenttype OPTIONAL, alignmentparam HALFOPTIONAL) protectionflags is a string.

 X=Executable W=Writable memory C=Copy On Write. Add a + to indicate that flag MUST be set and a - to indicate that that flag MUST NOT be set. (* sets it to don't care)
   +W-C = Writable memory exluding copy on write and doesn't care about the Executable flag
   +X-C-W = Find readonly executable memory
   +W = Finds all writable memory and don't care about copy on write or execute
   "" = Find everything (is the same as "*X*C*W" )

alignmenttype is an integer

 0=No alignment check
 1=Address must be dividable by alignmentparam 
 2=Address must end with alignmentparam

alignmentparam is a string which either holds the value the addresses must be dividable by or what the last digits of the address must be

MemScan Class (Inheritance Object) The memscan class is the memory scanner of Cheat engine

createMemScan(progressbar OPTIONAL) Returns a new MemScan class object

getCurrentMemscan() Returns the current memory scan object. If tabs are used the current tab's memscan object

memscan_firstScan(memscan, scanoption, vartype, roundingtype, input1, input2 ,startAddress ,stopAddress ,protectionflags ,alignmenttype ,"alignmentparam" ,isHexadecimalInput ,isNotABinaryString, isunicodescan, iscasesensitive);

 Does an initial scan.
 memscan The MemScan object created with createMemScan
 scanOption : Defines what type of scan is done. Valid values for firstscan are
   soUnknownValue= Unknown initial value scan
   soExactValue= Exact Value scan
   soValueBetween= Value between scan
   soBiggerThan= Bigger than ... scan
   soSmallerThan= smaller than ... scan

 vartype Defines the variable type. Valid variable types are
   vtWord  (2 bytes)
   vtDword (4 bytes)
   vtQword (8 bytes)
   vtSingle (float)

 roundingtype: Defines the way scans for exact value floating points are handled
   rtRounded:  Normal rounded scans. If exact value = "3" then it includes 3.0 to 3.49999999. If exact value is "3.0" it includes 3.00 to 3.0499999999
   rtTruncated: Truncated algoritm. If exact value = "3" then it includes 3.0 to 3.99999999. If exact value is "3.0" it includes 3.00 to 3.099999999
   rtExtremerounded: Rounded Extreme. If exact value = "3" then it includes 2.0000001 to 3.99999999. If exact value is "3.0" it includes 2.900000001 to 3.099999999

 input1: If required by the scanoption this is a string of the given variable type
 input2: If requires by the scanoption this is the secondary input

 startAddress:  The start address to scan from. You want to set this to 0
 stopAddress:   The address the scan should stop at. (You want to set this to 0xffffffffffffffff)

 protectionflags:  See aobscan about protectionflags
 alignmenttype:  Scan alignment type. Valid options are
   fsmNotAligned=  No alignment check
   fsmAligned     =The address must be dividable by the value in alignmentparam
   fsmLastDigits =  The last digits of the address must end with the digits provided by alignmentparam

 alignmentparam:  String that holds the alignment parameter.

 isHexadecimalInput: When true this will handle the input field as a hexadecimal string else decimal
 isNotABinaryString: When true and the varType is vtBinary this will handle the input field as a decimal instead of a binary string
 isunicodescan: When true and the vartype is vtString this will do a unicode (utf16) string scan else normal utf8 string
 iscasesensitive:  When true and the vartype is vtString this check if the case matches

memscan_nextScan(memscan, scanoption, roundingtype, input1,input2, isHexadecimalInput, isNotABinaryString, isunicodescan, iscasesensitive, ispercentagescan, savedresultname OPTIONAL); Does a next scan based on the current addresslist and values of the previous scan or values of a saved scan

 memscan: The MemScan object that has previously done a first scan
   soExactValue= Exact Value scan
   soValueBetween= Value between scan
   soBiggerThan= Bigger than ... scan
   soSmallerThan= smaller than ... scan
   soIncreasedValue= Increased value scan
   soIncreasedValueBy= Increased value by scan
   soDecreasedValue= Decreased value scan
   soDecreasedValueBy= Decreased value by scan
   soChanged= Changed value scan
   soUnchanged =Unchanged value scan
 roundingtype: Defined the way scans for exact value floating points are handled
   rtRounded = Normal rounded scans. If exact value = "3" then it includes 3.0 to 3.49999999. If exact value is "3.0" it includes 3.00 to 3.0499999999
   rtTruncated =Truncated algoritm. If exact value = "3" then it includes 3.0 to 3.99999999. If exact value is "3.0" it includes 3.00 to 3.099999999
   rtExtremerounded= Rounded Extreme. If exact value = "3" then it includes 2.0000001 to 3.99999999. If exact value is "3.0" it includes 2.900000001 to 3.099999999
 input1: If required by the scanoption this is a string of the given variable type
 input2: If requires by the scanoption this is the secondary input

 isHexadecimalInput :When true this will handle the input field as a hexadecimal string else decimal
 isNotABinaryString: When true and the varType is vtBinary this will handle the input field as a decimal instead of a binary string
 isunicodescan: When true and the vartype is vtString this will do a unicode (utf16) string scan else normal utf8 string
 iscasesensitive:  When true and the vartype is vtString this check if the case matches
 ispercentage: When true and the scanoption is of type soValueBetween, soIncreasedValueBy or soDecreasedValueBy: will cause CE to do a precentage scan instead of a normal value scan
 savedResultName: String that holds the name of a saved result list that should be compared against. First scan is called "FIRST"

memscan_newscan(memscan) Clears the current results


memscan_saveCurrentResults(memscan, name)

memscan_getAttachedFoundlist(memscan) Returns a FoundList object if one is attached to this scanresults. Returns nil otherwise

FoundList The foundlist is an object that opens the current memscan's result file and provides an interface for reading out the addresses

createFoundList(memscan) foundlist_initialize(foundlist) foundlist_deinitialize(foundlist) foundlist_getCount(foundlist) foundlist_getAddress(foundlist, index) Returns the address as a string

foundlist_getValue(foundlist, index)

Undefined Property Functions Not all properties of all classes have been explicitly exposed to lua, but if you know the name of a property of a specific class you can still access them (assuming they are declared as published in the pascal class declaration) getPropertyList(class) Returns a StringList object containing all the published properties of the specified class (free the list when done) (Note, not all classed with properties have 'published' properties. E.g StringList itself)

setProperty(class, propertyname, propertyvalue) Sets the value of a published property of a class (Won't work for method properties) getProperty(class, propertyname) Gets the value of a published property of a class (Won't work for method properties)