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executeCodeEx(callmethod, timeout, address, {type=x,value=param1} or param1,{type=x,value=param2} or param2,...)

  callmethod: 0=stdcall, 1=cdecl

  timeout: Number of milliseconds to wait for a result. nil or -1, infitely. 0 is no wait (will not free the call memory, so beware of it's memory leak)

  address: Address to execute

  {type,value} : Table containing the value type, and the value
    type: 0=integer (32/64bit) can also be a pointer
          1=float (32-bit float)
          2=double (64-bit float)
          3=ascii string (will get converted to a pointer to that string)
          4=wide string (will get converted to a pointer to that string)
    value: anything base type that lua can interpret

if just param is provided CE will guess the type based on the provided type


print( executeCodeEx(0, nil, "MessageBoxA", 0, {type=3,value="title"}, {type=3,value="content"}, 0) )