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AddressLisr class: (Inheritance: Panel->WinControl->Control->Component->Object)

The Addresslist class can be used to access information regarding the Cheat Engine table. It is commonly combined with MemoryRecord.


 Count: Integer - The number of records in the table
 SelCount: integer- The number of records that are selected
 SelectedRecord: MemoryRecord - The main selected record
 MemoryRecord[]: MemoryRecord - Array to access the individial memory records
 [] = MemoryRecord - Default accessor


 getMemoryRecordByDescription(description): returns a MemoryRecord object
 createMemoryRecord() : creates an generic cheat table entry and add it to the list
 getSelectedRecords():  Returns a table containing all the selected records
 doDescriptionChange() : Will show the gui window to change the description of the selected entry
 doAddressChange() : Will show the gui window to change the address of the selected entry
 doTypeChange() : Will show the gui window to change the type of the selected entries
 doValueChange() : Will show the gui window to change the value of the selected entries
 getSelectedRecord() : Gets the main selected memoryrecord
 setSelectedRecord(memrec) : Sets the currently selected memoryrecord. This will unselect all other entries