Mono:Mono Lua

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The advanced MONO features of Cheat Engine are controlled by the "monoscript.lua" script in the autorun directory where cheat engine is installed. When you attach to a process, the script scans for "mono.dll". If it is found, the appropriate MonoDataDissector dll from the autorun directory is injected into the process which creates a named pipe waiting for a connection. The LUA code then connects to the pipe and messages are exchanged to perform the mono functions.

Main Methods

this is some
varType = monoTypeToVarType(monoType)
Returns the Cheat Engine type (vtString, vtByte, vtWorkd, vtDword, vtSingle, vtDouble, vtPointer) for the given mono type
result = LaunchMonoDataCollector()
injects the dll and returns 0 for failure, or monoBase returned from the CMD_INITMONO command on the pipe

mono_object_getClass(address) -- returns classaddress, classname (or nil) -- given the address of an object in memory,

mono_enumDomains() -- returns a table array of domainaddress for each domain in the game

mono_setCurrentDomain(domainaddress) -- returns ? (result of MONOCMD_SETCURRENTDOMAIN) -- sets the domain the MonoDataCollector will use

mono_enumAssemblies() -- returns table of assemblyaddress for each assembly in the current domain from the MonoDataCollector

mono_getImageFromAssembly(assemblyaddress) -- returns the imageaddress for the passed assembly

mono_image_get_name(imageaddress) -- returns the name of the assembly with the given imageaddress

mono_image_enumClasses(imageaddress) -- returns a table of classaddress for classes in the given assembly image

mono_class_getName(classaddress) -- returns the class name as a string

mono_class_getNamespace(classaddress) -- returns the namespace of the given class as a string

mono_class_getParent(classaddress) -- returns the classaddress of the parent class of the given class

mono_class_getStaticFieldAddress(domainaddress, classaddress) -- returns the base address for a special area that stores static addresses for a given class -- for example if you have a class that has 5 static fields, their offsets will be added to this base address to get the memory location

mono_class_enumFields(classaddress) -- returns a table of field objects for fields in the given class

mono_class_enumMethods(classaddress) -- returns a table of method objects for the methods in the given class

mono_getJitInfo(address) --

Cheat Engine Hooks

mono_structureDissectOverrideCallback(structure, baseaddress)
Called by CE when a structure is being dissected to fill in the values if we know the structure
Returns true if the structure members were defined, nil if not
Calls mono_object_findRealStartOfObject(baseaddress), mono_class_enumFields(classaddress), monoTypeToVarType(monotype)
Returns classname,currentaddress (the real base address) or nil
Called by CE when creating a new structure in the structure dissector

mono_symbolLookupCallback(symbol) -- returns pointer or nil -- called by CE when it is trying to find the address to go with a symbol -- calls mono_findMethod and mono_compile_method

mono_addressLookupCallback(address) -- returns string -- called by CE in the disassembly window to show a symbol name for the address -- calls mono_getJitInfo(address), mono_method_getClass(method), mono_class_GetName(class), mono_class_GetNamespace(class), mono_method_getName(method)