Mono:Lua:mono class enumMethods

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function mono_class_enumMethods(classId) : table

Returns a table of method objects for the methods in the given class

method - integer
method ID
name - string
name of the method

Function Parameters[edit]

Parameter Type Description
classId integer The class' ID


In Lua Engine form[edit]

While attached to Cuphead.


local cId = mono_findClass('', 'PlayerStatsManager')
return mono_class_enumMethods(cId)


   1 = table
      method = 284816768
      name = .ctor
   2 = table
      method = 284816800
      name = get_GlobalInvincibility
   3 = table
      method = 284816832
      name = set_GlobalInvincibility
   4 = table
      method = 284816864
      name = get_HealthMax
   5 = table
      method = 284816896
      name = set_HealthMax
   6 = table
      method = 284816928
      name = get_Health
   7 = table
      method = 284816960
      name = set_Health
   8 = table
      method = 284816992
      name = get_SuperMeterMax
   9 = table
      method = 284817024
      name = set_SuperMeterMax
   10 = table
      method = 284817056
      name = get_SuperMeter

See also[edit]

Related Functions[edit]