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CheckBox Class: (Inheritance: ButtonControl->WinControl->Control->Component->Object)
The Checkbox is a visual component that lets the user click it and change state between checked, unchecked, and if possible, grayed
createCheckBox(owner) Creates a CheckBox class object which belongs to the given owner. Owner can be any object inherited from WinControl
- AllowGrayed
- AllowGrayed Determines if there is a 3th state
- State
- The state of the checkbox. 0=Unchecked, 1=Checked, 2=Gray
- OnChange(function(sender))
- Function to be called when the state changes
Example: local form = createForm( true ); local checkBoxes = {}; checkBoxes[1] = createCheckBox( form ); checkBoxes[2] = createCheckBox( form ); checkBoxes[3] = createCheckBox( form ); checkBoxes[4] = createCheckBox( form ); checkBoxes[5] = createCheckBox( form ); for x = 1, #checkBoxes do checkBoxes[x].Caption="This is checkbox " .. tostring( x ) checkBoxes[x].setPosition(10, x * 20) end checkBoxes[1].State=0 -- Sets checkboxes[1] to unchecked state. checkBoxes[2].State=1 -- Sets checkboxes[2] to checked state. checkBoxes[3].State=2 -- Sets checkboxes[3] to the gray state if checkBoxes[4].Checked then -- if checkboxes[4] is checked then the function returns true otherwise false. print "true" else print "false" end