Mono:Lua:mono invoke method
function mono_invoke_method(domain, method, instanseAddress, args): mono_readObject()??
Function Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
domain | string | The namespace of the method |
methodId | integer | The method's id |
instanseAddress | integer | The address of instanse |
args | table | The arguments |
local methodId = mono_findMethod('', 'PlayerStatsManager', 'TakeDamage') local c = mono_method_getClass(methodId) local params = mono_method_get_parameters(methodId) local args = {} for i=1, #params.parameters do args[i]={} args[i].type=monoTypeToVartypeLookup[params.parameters[i].type] end args[1].value=100.0 mono_class_findInstancesOfClass(nil,c,function(m) -- asynchronously local fl = createFoundList(m) fl.initialize() if fl.Count >0 then InstancesAddress=fl[0] mono_invoke_method('' , methodId , InstancesAddress ,args) else print('Faild to find Instances') end fl.destroy() m.destroy() end )