Auto Assembler:aobScan

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Auto Assembler aobScan(SymbolName, AOBString)

Scans all the memory for a specific byte pattern defined by AOBString and sets the resulting address to the symbol SymbolName.

Note: AOBString definition is composed by a list of one or several bytes optionally separated by spaces. Each byte definition has 2 variants:

- A group of 2 characters, where the first character is the high order nibble and the second is the low order nibble. Each character can be an hexadecimal digit (from '0' to 'F') or a wildcard character (interpreted as any hexadecimal value from 0 to 15)

- An unique wildcard surrounded by spaces (interpreted as any value from 0 to 255)

The wildcards are defined by any of these 3 characters: 'x', '?', or '*'. Some valid patterns:

5x 48 8D 6x 24 E0
5? 48 8D 6? 24 E0
5* 48 8D 6* 24 E0
xx 48 8D xx 24 E0
?? 48 8D ?? 24 E0
** 48 8D ** 24 E0
x 48 8D x 24 E0
? 48 8D ? 24 E0
* 48 8D * 24 E0

Command Parameters

Parameter Type Description
SymbolName string The symbol name to define if AOBString is found
AOBString string The byte pattern, as hex, to scan for


aobScan(SomeSymbol, 00 53 48 8D 64 24 E0)
aobScan(SomeSymbol, 00 xx xx 8D 64 24 E0)
aobScan(SomeSymbol, 00 5x 48 xx 6x 24 E0)
aobScan(SomeSymbol, 00 x x 8D 64 24 E0)
aobScan(SomeSymbol, 00 ** ** 8D 64 24 E0)
aobScan(SomeSymbol, 00 5* 48 *D 64 24 E0)
aobScan(SomeSymbol, 00 * * 8D 64 24 E0)
aobScan(SomeSymbol, 00 ?? ?? 8D 64 24 E0)
aobScan(SomeSymbol, 00 5? ?? 8? 64 24 E0)
aobScan(SomeSymbol, 00 ? ? 8D 64 24 E0)
aobScan(SomeSymbol, 005x8xxxxxE0)
aobScan(SomeSymbol, 005*8*****E0)
aobScan(SomeSymbol, 005?8?????E0)

See also

Related Commands